Wednesday 20 March 2019

Independence or death

There are a lot of things we want in life: a profession that fulfils us, an intense affective life, travels, friends, discoveries. But if I had to summarize in a single word what I consider to be the most important achievement, this word would be: INDEPENDENCE.

There is no one who does not dream of working on his own, being a master of himself. Those who succeed do not trade for anything. How to achieve this? Mastering a craft, going beyond what others have learned, doing things their own way, risking. It seems difficult ... and it is.

It is even harder to be independent in love. Passion does not enter into this conversation. When we are in love we are all dependent on phone calls, e-mails, declarations, constant presence. But love, which is a later stage, more serene and safer than passion, allows the development of independence. You do not have to be everywhere your love is, you do not have to agree with everything he/she thinks, you do not have to give up all your projects, you hold up, you count, you exist.

There are people who do not give it up for pure convenience. He/she prefers to be a shadow. He /she defends himself by saying that he/she has no other way. Lie. It's a choice. Go alone to the movies, pay your debts, travel, drive, do not worry (so much) with the opinion of others. Knowing how to cook for oneself, entertaining oneself with solitary habits such as reading, taking a taxi, solving one's problems, making decisions with confidence.

Not to "need" others, but to count on others for what they are irreplaceable: company, sex, laughter, friendship, comfort.

If you have not yet reached this stage, climb an imaginary horse and give your cry for independence.

Being tied to the life of others makes you live less yours. Nothing to be taken for granted just so as not to bother.

It gets in the way. DEPENDENCE IS DEATH.

Saturday 11 December 2010

Decisions, decisions, decisions, and more decisions....

Our life is based on our decisions. Everything we do is the result of a choice, but how do our decisions affect our life and happiness?

The decisions we make every day can affect our life in two directions: positive and negative. A simple decision can destroy us, or give us success.
We wake up in the morning and we start making decisions. We have to choose what to wear and what to eat. And throughout the day we will continue making decisions, and most of the time we even don't realize we are doing decisions as so small and insignificant they seem.

Some decisions we make are of our own choosing, but many others are forced upon us.

Good and bad decisions in life sometimes shape our future for lifetimes to come. There are cases where a wrong decision in early life can ruin the whole life from that point on. As well, there are decisions made in early life that lead to a life of happiness and fulfilment. However, at the time we make a decision the reason is obscure to us.

In certain decisions we make ourselves feel right about making them, while other decisions leave us with feelings of misgiving and doubts. Usually when there is doubt, such decisions do not turn out right for us.

Sometimes it may be a split second decision and often that correct decision saves our life. Sometimes we may have a long time to make a decision.

Life, however, has a strange way of putting us in a position where we are forced ultimately to make a decision one way or the other.

Many decisions we make are mental conclusions based on knowledge and experience as well as the nature of our character.

What is even worse is to make a bad decision and in the face of good corrective advice ride it out to a disaster. The Titanic is a classic example of this.

We are mind and the mind requires stimulation, and decisions keep the mind alert and active. Often mental agility and fast decisions keep us alive.

Our decisions build the structure of our life. Our decisions make us feel how human we are, because we all, as humans, have errors. Some of our decisions can be wrong, but we can learn from them, take what is good, and throw away what is not.

Thousands of decisions can be made every day, and each of them is what makes the difference in our lives.

All decisions are based on one end conclusion and that is to find happiness in life and that is life.

We can try to avoid making choices by doing nothing, but even that is a decision.

Keep in mind, the two directions our decisions can take, positive or negative.

Friday 8 October 2010

Is this your story?

You studied history and mathematics...

But no one taught you how to achieve your goals.

No one taught you how to use your subconscious mind to accelerate results in your life.

And you never studied happiness!

You knew that life could be better.

You tried a few things...

But until now, nothing "clicked".

Here's why we get stuck...

Everyday we have about 50,000 thoughts, Our thoughts determine our ations, and our actions create results.

Here's the problem... when we keep having the same thoughts, we keep getting the same results!

We stay trapped in an endless circle of...

Our old thoughts are like roadblocks. The only way to enjoy more sucess and more happiness is to break the cycle!

But how???
How do we change old thinking?